Why Robin? Why?

Robin Anderson

Why are Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce willing to wreak havoc on Mason City and Cerro Gordo County?  What Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce are doing makes no sense at all.
Why are Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce behaving with the same arrogance as Eric Bookmeyer?
Why are Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce so willing to divide and alienate our community and their membership?
Why are Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce holding private meetings of a legislative nature?
Why are Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce referring to the vast majority of Mason Citian’s as naysayers and aginners?
Why are Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce willing to import poverty?
Why are Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce so hell-bent on dramatically changing our way of life and the culture of Mason City, after 146 years?
Why are Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce so willing to revisit a toxic company that has labeled our citizens as racist and kooks?
What Robin Anderson and the Chamber of Commerce are doing makes no sense at all.   Robin Anderson has never been elected to city government, yet she has the keys to the front door of City Hall.  Who gave Robin Anderson the authority to act in this way?

Here’s who:
Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of The Chamber of Commerce 

There are two things the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors can do to make this right in the community:
1.  Immediately cancel the private meeting on Thursday, June 2nd at the Park Inn.
2.  Take a good look at Robin’s employment status…it’s time.

More later…MFW



3 thoughts on “Why Robin? Why?

  1. Why not ??? Import poverty what are you talking about??? Everyone has a right to their own opinion just because it’s not like you and your friends think .

    1. You would have to be brain dead to want that facility in this community. It is much too large for our infrastructure, it cannot carry its own weight; both medical and food and shelter would be decimated. Their compensation will not afford a living wage.

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